Land-art i simbolizam

Profesor Manolo Cocho sa C3 UNAM, iz Mexico Citya boravi na rezidencijalnom programu, na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti od 1. rujna do 1. listopada 2019.

Od 9. do 13. rujna održati će za sve zainteresirane studente i profesore predavanja i land-art radionice pod nazivom Land-art i simbolizam.

Dana 1. listopada u Galuriji ALU će se otvoriti izložba radova Manola Chocha nastalih za vrijeme rezidencije.

Iduće 2020. godine očekuje se uzvratna rezidencija jednog od profesora Akademije likovnih umjetnosti na C3 UNAM, u Mexico Cityu.

U prilogu životopis umjetnika i ZONA katalog

Land-art and symbolism  workshop at the Academy of Fine Arts of Zagreb by the international Mexican artist Manolo Cocho. Theory and practice

Manolo Cocho born in Mexico city 1968, he studied in the National Fine Arts School of the UNAM; National Autonomous University of México. He is independent artist, curator  and researcher, is coordinator of the Art, Science and Complexity Program of the C3 Complexity Science Center of the UNAM. Along more than thirty years he was develop art works by picture, sculpture, installation, photography, video, performance, and new media. One important part of his work is the land-art installation started at the desert of Mexico and growing in England, Italy, Canary Islands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia  and Croatia. As artist he have up than one hundred personal exhibitions and more than two hundred group exhibitions around the world.

ZONA katalog (Link na PDF)