Slika 1.
Sv. Barbara - stanje prije radova

Slika 2.
Sv. Barbara - stanje nakon radova

Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na drvenoj polikromiranoj skulpturi Sv. Barbare iz Samoborskog muzeja

Diplomski rad, Ines Kobas

Mentorica: doc. mr. Eva Winkler

Komentor: doc. mr. Andrej Aranicki


U ovom diplomskom radu detaljno su opisane te fotografskom i grafičkom dokumentacijom popraćene sve faze konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova izvedenih na skulpturi Sv. Barbare.

Drvena, polikromirana, pozlaćena i posrebrena skulptura Sv. Barbare iz Župne crkve Sv. Barbare u naselju Rude, nedaleko od grada Samobora, bila je dio crkvenog inventara, a zbog derutnosti i radi očuvanja darovana je Samoborskom muzeju. U jesen 2008. dopremljena je na Odsjek za restauriranje i konzerviranje umjetnina Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu kako bi se na njoj izveli svi potrebni konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi. Nakon detaljnog pregleda utvrđeno je da je skulptura relativno dobro očuvana, te se pristupilo daljnjim radovima. Skulptura je fotografirana kroz sve faze rada, podlijepljena je, konsolidirana, očišćena, zakitana, kredirana, te retuširana i na kraju lakirana. Nakon konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova skulptura je vraćena u Samoborski muzej.

Uvodni dio diplomskog rada ukratko predstavlja opće podatke te izgled skulpture, a u glavnom tematskom razmatranju opisani su uzročnici propadanja umjetnine, zatečeno stanje skulpture prije konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova te detaljan pregled odabranih metoda, postupaka i materijala ovisno o fazama rada.


In this thesis all phases of conservation and restoration work carried out on the sculpture of St. Barbara are described in detail and accompanied by photographic and graphic documentation.

Wooden, policromated sculpture of St. Barbara from the Parish Church Of St. Barbara in Rude, near by town of Samobor, was given to the Samobor Museum because of it's poor condition and for preservation. In autumn 2008 it was brought to the Department of Art Restauration and Conservation of the Academy of Fine Arts, so that all required conservation and restoration work could be carried out. After a visual inspection it was estimated that the sculpure is in quite good condition, and further restoration work was beeing carried out. The sculpture was photographed through all work phases, paint lairs were underglued, wood consolidated, whole sculpture was cleaned, the overpaint was removed, holes were filled with gesso, it was retouched and in the end protective varnish was applied. The sculpure has been returned back to the Samobor Museum after conservation and restoration work.

Interduction part of a diploma work is about general art history information and description of sculpture. Main part of diploma work describes causes of the art work decay and status quo before conservation and restauration work. Written text also contains detail review of used methods and materials depending on the stage of work.