Prof. Barbora Lungova - gostujuće predavanje

srijeda, 17. svibnja, u 11 sati, Vijećnica ALU, Ilica 85 (prizemlje)

Gostujuća predavačica Prof. Barbora Lungova (Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno) održati će predavanje

Painting in the Post-Medium Situation. Czech Case

The lectures will look at the general situation on the Czech art scene from the point of view of institutions, galleries, art schools to give a general idea of a post-communist development of the social context of art. However, the main focus of the lectures will be at the developments of painting  - the post-modern, post-conceptual, figurative-narrative, political, modernologist, and other possible perspectives. We will also look at the theoretical discourse accompanying this medium in the Czech and Slovak context. The last part of the presentation will hopefully have a discursive form and leaves room for comparison of Czech and Croatian scene.

Predavanje je otvoreno svim zainteresiranim nastavnicima i studentima ALU.